A Christian is someone who has responded to God’s generous gift of grace and forgiveness in Jesus Christ, through faith and repentance.
God made a way for humanity to be restored to right relationship with Him however. Jesus Christ, the sinless Son of God came and gave his life on the cross, undeservedly taking death upon his shoulders on behalf of humankind. In Jesus we can find forgiveness of our sins and hope for now and the future. We can be restored to right relationship with God.
God lovingly offers to forgive and restore any that would put their faith and trust in Jesus and repent of their sins, turning to live life according to God’s word. God is faithful and just, more than willing to forgive any that would call on His name.
It’s a generous offer of reconciliation and new life and it can be yours today.
For more information on what it means to be a Christian please contact us today.