What's Coming Up?

The Marriage Course

Date: 19 June 2024

Venue: C3 City Church Tauranga

Times: Mondays @ 7pm - 9pm

The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage.

The Marriage Course is for couples who are seeking to strengthen their relationship. Some couples do the course to intentionally invest in their relationship, while others are looking to address more specific challenges. Either way, the course offers essential tools and practical ideas to help you build a relationship that lasts a lifetime. 

The Marriage Course is based on Christian principles but designed for all couples with or without a church background.

Only $100 per couple including manuals and weekly desserts.

The course helps couples to:

  • Understand each other’s needs
  • Communicate more effectively
  • Grow closer by learning methods to resolve conflict
  • Recover from the ways you may have hurt each other
  • Recognise how your upbringing affects your relationship
  • Improve relationships with parents and inlaws
  • Develop greater sexual intimacy
  • Discover each other’s love language and much more...

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