Mike and Inga Stephenson serve with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Furnace, in Tauranga.
As volunteers, they pastorally care for staff and students, attend to administrative tasks, and are involved in other courses as they arise.
With this being an unpaid position, they would love to have more people support them financially as they follow God’s call.
YWAM Furnace focuses on prayer (partnering with House of Prayer) and training people for mission. YWAM Furnace also run DTS courses and second-level schools, the Koha Medical ship into the Islands, a prayer room and mission adventures.
For more information go to ywamfurnace.nz or check out their latest newsletter here (to be updated).
You can make a donation to C3 City Church to help support the Stephensons and the great work they are involved in. Just use OIF as a reference and it will go directly to our Outward In Focus fund, or alternatively, if you would like to add to their support, just write Stephenson as a reference and we will forward this on.