Date: Saturday, 29 August 2020
Time: 5pm - 6pm New Zealand          (7 - 8am South Africa)
Venue: C3 City Church, Tauranga (252 Otumoetai Rd)
With many immigrant families currently struggling with the realities of what is happening in their home countries, our only response is to bring our loved ones before God in prayer. Therefore, on Saturday 29 August we are having a time of prayer specifically for South Africa.
Our live stream will start at:
New Zealand  5pm
South Africa   7am
Would you like to join in?
-  Register and join us at C3 City Church, Tauranga
-  Join us via the live stream (
-  Share this with your community, family and friends around the world.
-  Hold your own meeting on the day and join us via the live stream.
We will pray for:
Families | Children, homeschooling | Jobs | Businesses | Medical Staff | Infrastructure | Peace | Wisdom | Protection | Unity
A separate Kids Program will be available.
Soveel immigrant families vind dit baie moeilik op die oomblik oor wat in hul tuislande aangaan. Ons enigste reaksie wat ons kan toon is om te bid.
Op 29 Augustus hou ons ‘n spesiale tyd van gebed vir Suid Afrika.
Dit sal lewendig uitgesaai word:
Nieu-Seeland   5pm
Suid-Afrika       7am
Wil jy deel wees?
-  Registreer en sluit by ons aan in die kerk (C3 City Church, Tauranga)
-  Volg die lewendige uitsending waarookal jy is (
-  Deel die skakel op sosiale media om soveel mense moontlik te bereik om deel te neem
-  Reel ‘n groep in jou huis of kerk om saam met ons te bid tydens die uitsending
Ons sal bid vir:
Families | Kinders, tuisonderrig | Mediese personeel | Infrastruktuur | Werke | Besighede | Vrede | Wysheid | Beskerming | Eenheid
'n Aparte Kinderprogram sal beskikbaar wees.

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